Steam and Mist are familiar concepts and phenomena to all of us. Sometimes we can even feel them, thanks to the steam produced by boiling water in the kitchen. On the other hand, Mist or fog is a natural occurrence caused by condensation and the collection of water droplets too small to fall to the ground. Mist and steam look very similar to the naked eye, making it difficult to tell them apart. But this article will focus on the many distinctions between steam and Mist.
People were familiar with steam in the days before the fire was discovered because hot water springs released it. Steamed water is a form of liquid water. It is water vapor at temperatures above 100 degrees Celsius and standard atmospheric pressure. Mist Steam’s accumulated potential energy is put to numerous uses. The transformation of liquid water into a gaseous state at high temperatures is known as steam.
When water condenses into the tiniest droplets possible in the air, we refer to this as Mist, and its energy content is precisely the same as that of pure water. The small droplets of water that condense and collect on our car and room windows on cold mornings are the Mist that forms without boiling water.
Which one do you and your client think is the best?
The goal of mist or steam processors is the same. This is done so that chemical and colouring treatments can produce the best possible results without damaging the hair. The cuticle layers open at the optimal temperature when steam or Mist is introduced, allowing technical products to penetrate deeper into each hair strand. Additionally, once the process is complete, the hair is cooled to close the cuticle layer and lock in the product. Hair color achieved in this manner is more affluent in tone, glossier, and lasts longer. After a conditioning treatment, your hair will feel silkier and easier to manage, and your perm or wave will last longer and have more definition in the curls.
Does it make a difference if we use steam or mist technology?
In a nutshell, yes, and there are noticeable variations. Extreme heat, such as that produced by a steam processor, can damage the hair’s elasticity, tensile strength, and cuticle layer. When misused, this can damage hair and nullify the effects of any treatments you already have. Furthermore, steam produces moisture, and too much moisture during a chemical process merely dilutes the product and reduces its impact.
The invention in the Mist
Takara Belmont incorporates mist technology into their hair processing methods because of this. The Spa Mist II and Micro Mist processors avoid overheating and diluting the hair because the cuticle layer opens only 30 – 40. Both processors produce a fine mist at considerably lower temperatures, which is in line with the temperature at which the cuticle layers open. Still, they do so through different technological means.
Therefore, the hair is safe from heat damage, and the chemical products used in each stand are effective without diluting. The revolutionary technology utilized by the Micro Mist and Spa Mist II processors results in a beautiful mist that contains almost no moisture. Spa Mist II vibrates at a rate of 1.6 million times per second to produce the ultrafine Mist used by an ultrasonic transducer.
Scientific research reveals that both Spa Mist II and Micro Mist improve the scalp’s health and the quality of the hair’s color, condition, and chemical treatments. A clean, unclogged scalp is essential for maximizing the hair’s natural shine, resilience, and strength, as it is the hair’s foundation. Spa Mist II and Micro Mist technologies make this possible by fostering an atmosphere conducive to average hair growth. Sealing the cuticle and locking ingredients deep within the hair shaft requires rapid cooling at the end of a treatment process.
Both processors have a fast-cooling mechanism, which significantly improves the quality of the final product, doing the dye job, perm, or conditioning more noticeable in its depth, vibrancy, and longevity. In terms of color retention, for instance, clinical studies show the effects last through seven washes.
You can differentiate your salon from competitors by offering VIP treatments and new high-priced services like microdermabrasion with the help of Micro Mist and Spa Mist II.
We must consider our requirements and financial constraints when making skincare decisions (and other decisions, too!). Having read this (or skipping ahead to this synopsis), you may have already decided which “misting tool” best suits your needs.
Another possibility is that you have decided to forego the Mist and instead use another method to achieve the same or similar results with your skincare products. Nonetheless, if you’re interested in learning more about how fluid physics can improve your skincare routine, this blog should be able to help you choose the right tool(s).